

  • January 8, 2007

    Bread for the World, a national Christian anti-hunger network, plans to distribute thousands of educational kits to churches around the USA urging churchgoers to lobby members of Congress to change federal agricultural and nutrition programmes in favour of the world's ‚Ä' and the country's ‚Ä' poor.

  • December 30, 2006

    Following the execution of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein earlier this morning(30 December 2006), the general secretary of the World Council of Churches issued a statement asking God to grant the nation of Iraq "the mercy, justice and compassion that it has long been denied" and "an end to fear and death that marked Saddam Hussein's rule and that continue now".

  • December 14, 2006

    Catholic Bishops in India have appealed for justice for the country's Muslim population as it faces increasing pressure from nationalists, alongside Christians. They have also highlighted the plight of Dalits (formerly known as 'untouchables') and other minority communities.

  • December 11, 2006

    The Witness magazine, which has reflected a substantial history of Christian involvement in peace and justice issues dating back to its inception in 1917, is ceasing publication, the Episcopal Church Publishing Company (ECPC) board decided at its recent meeting in Washington DC, USA.

  • December 8, 2006

    The head of the Fiji Council of Churches has condemned the administration set up by army commander Commodore Frank Bainimarama after a military seizure of power as "illegal and unconstitutional" and has urged prayers for God's intervention ‚Ä' reports Ecumenical News International.