
Not Ashamed

  • March 14, 2011

    Claims that Christians are being 'discriminated against' in the UK have been criticised by the Christian think-tank Ekklesia and the British Humanist Association.

  • January 2, 2011

    The current ills of the Western church are more to be found in sickness within than in threats without, suggests Simon Barrow, echoing a recent landmark comment from the Pope. Likewise the way forward is through radical reformation not fearful reaction.

  • December 1, 2010

    I am not ashamed to be a Christian active in public life, but I am not backing the "Not Ashamed" campaign or marking Not Ashamed Day. The campaign aims to encourage only a certain sort of Christian to engage in particular forms of public life.

  • December 1, 2010

    At first sight, it is seemed reasonable to assume that Eric Pickles had hitched his wagon to the to the 'Not Ashamed' campaign train which launches today (1 December 2010) with his claims about the “ambush of Christmas” by “politically correct Grinches” and an exhortation to local councils to “take pride in Britain's Christian heritage.”

  • December 1, 2010

    An Anglican bishop has rejected claims by some lobby groups and activists that Christians in Britain are being persecuted for their beliefs.

  • December 1, 2010
  • December 1, 2010

    A campaign launching today which says Christians have been marginalised in public life and are discriminated against has been criticised by humanists and Christians.

  • December 1, 2010

    Across the world today, countless millions of people are persecuted. But churchgoers in Britain are not among them, says Simon Barrow. Instead of developing a misplaced 'persecution complex', which dishonours those who truly suffer, Christians in the UK have the opportunity to develop an alternative vocation of multiplying hope, rather than spreading fear.

  • November 30, 2010

    It is tragic that a group of Christians, characterised by their obsession with sexuality, are choosing to overwrite World Aids Day with their own ‘day’. Entitled “Not Ashamed Day” it is supposed to be about getting Christians to stand up and declare their faith following a number of cases of alleged ‘persecution’.

  • September 22, 2010

    Christian Concern For Our Nation (CCFON) launched a new campaign yesterday (21 September) entitled “Not Ashamed”. It aims to encourage Christians to “stand up for Jesus Christ in public life”.

    I am not ashamed to be a Christian active in public life, but I will not be wearing one of the “Not Ashamed” badges. This is because the campaign aims to encourage only a certain sort of Christian to engage in particular forms of public life.