The Scottish Government agrees with the assessment that UK Government policies have led to the “systematic immiseration” of a significant part of the UK population, meaning they had continually “put people further into poverty”.
Extending the presumption against short prison sentences will encourage the greater use of more effective community sentences and break cycles of reoffending, say Scottish government ministers.
For a two-child family the Best Start Grant package will provide total support of £1900, which is £1400 more than they would get under the previous UK system.
The Church of Scotland has made a fresh commitment to tackle human trafficking and modern slavery. It has signed a declaration to work with the Scottish Government and other statutory services and sectors to eradicate the scourge on society.
The Pregnancy and Baby Payment provides £600 for a first child and £300 for any siblings thereafter, whilst the Early Learning Payment is £250 for a child aged between two and three-and-a-half.