
social media

  • February 1, 2012

    In recent months social media has proved its worth against some harping critics. The uprisings across the Middle East, the worldwide Occupy protest against unsustainable corporate neo-capitalism and the Spartacus Report revolt of disabled and sick people over punitive welfare cuts and changes: all these movements for change have benefited in a variety of ways from web 2.0 and beyond, from online crowd-sourcing, from twitter, from virals, and from 'internetworking'.

  • August 11, 2011

    I have recently spent the night reading about and watching the (in the first instance) London riots unfold from my hotel room in India. I have lived in Lewisham since 1998 and to see aerial images of cars along the main streets on fire and shops I know well looted has been surreal.

  • July 9, 2011

    The 2011 Methodist Conference has closed in Southport after six days of lively debate. Social media played a significant role in the gathering.

  • April 6, 2011

    Christians and churches across the world are being encouraged to plant trees and to use social media to share the peace message with others.