A set of papers on isues to be discussed at the Church of England General Synod have been released, including one on valuing people with Down's Syndrome.
As part of Inter Faith Week, over 100 religious and faith leaders have signed a statement urging the UK Government to do more to welcome those who no longer have a country to call their home.
Churches and faith-based organisations have welcomed the Government’s consultation on changes to gaming machines, but warned that the range of options presented for a maximum stake for fixed-odd betting terminals is too wide.
The Secretary of the Methodist Conference, the Rev Gareth J Powell, with other senior Methodist representatives from around the world, were received by Pope Francis in a private audience at the Vatican yesterday.
A coalition of national Churches and charities has criticised the Department for Work and Pensions over its refusal to undertake a full review of the benefit sanctions system. The DWP has issued its overdue response to the Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into benefit sanctions, but has failed to commit to a review as recommended.
Following publication of a review of past safeguarding cases, the Methodist Church in Briatain has vowed to make significant changes to its policies and procedures.
There is a new kind of poverty in Britain. It is made by politicians, and could easily be ended by politicians. The people enduring this government-enforced poverty are not on low incomes: they have no income whatsoever. They sit in dark cold homes with no money and no food. For them, budgeting and belt-tightening would be the luxury option.
New data shows benefit claimants with mental health problems are more likely to have their benefits sanctioned than those suffering from other conditions.