Surveys of public attitudes consistently show that, when asked, people tend to be more positive about their own lives, friends, families and communities than they are about the country or the wider
“We are the body of Christ. In the one Spirit we were all baptised into one body. Let us pursue all that makes for peace and builds up our common life.”
Open letter calls on Churches not just to alleviate the symptoms of poverty, but to call out the root causes, systems and structures which ensnare so many in poverty today.
Christian Aid has launched a campaign calling on the UK Government to help address the inequalities in wealth and power that have led to the climate crisis.
Women who are interested in learning how to stand for election as an MP or local councillor can take part in ‘become a candidate’ training sessions and peer support circles.
Local women must no longer be excluded from decision-making in the responses to humanitarian emergencies, particularly when they are the ones most vulnerable in these crises, Christian Aid’s CEO has said.
More than one thousand Quakers head to London this week for a four-day meeting of witness and worship. With politics and society in a state of flux, this is a pivotal moment to consider privilege and power and how that impacts on the ability to make a difference.