The death of Chinese writer and government critic Yang Tongyan, who spent nearly half his life in detention, underlines an alarming lack of accountability over the deaths of activists released on medical parole, says Amnesty International.
Chinese President Xi Jinping’s pledge to abolish the abusive shuanggui internal party disciplinary system will only be meaningful if its replacement ensures rights protections for detainees, says Human Rights Watch.
The Chinese government should end its efforts to weaken United Nations mechanisms that promote human rights, Human Rights Watch said in a new report yesterday. UN agencies should vigorously resist China’s attempts to restrict access to the UN for human rights groups and activists who work on China.
Almost 70,000 people from around the world have urged the Chinese president to lift all restrictions against poet and artist Liu Xia, one month after the death of her husband, the Nobel Peace laureate Liu Xiaobo.
In response to the launches of ballistic missiles of possible intercontinental range by the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the United Nations Security Council has moved to strengthen sanctions on the Northeast Asian country's exports.
The International Federation of Journalists has called on the Government of China to clarify the usage of privately-run VPNs (Virtual Private Network) in China. The IFJ also called on China to end its attempt to control and stifle the free flow of information in the online space.
Hong Kong’s political leaders must show they are prepared to resist pressure from President Xi Jinping to further erode human rights in the city, says Amnesty International.
China should immediately release five North Korean refugees held in Chinese detention and agree not to return them to North Korea, where they would face grave danger, says Human Rights Watch.
European Union leaders should publicly and privately press China’s government to end its crackdown on human rights and immediately release all detained activists, Human Rights Watch said yesterday in a joint letter with a dozen other nongovernmental organisations.