Ekklesia, the politics and beliefs thinktank, has joined senior religious leaders in calling for a positive debt deal for Greece and an alternative, moral approach to the economic crises brought about by debt-deflationary policies and austerity.
Greece's new finance minister, Dr Yanis Varoufakis, has made quite an impact during the first few days of the Syriza administration, as he tours both the television studios and (more importantly) the European finance ministers to seek a different approach to the Eurozone crisis.
The political economist Ann Pettifor, former head of Jubilee 2000 and now an associate of the New Economics Foundation and policy advisor for Prime Economics, was on BBC Radio 4's Today programme this morning, talking about how to address the Cyprus crisis.
As we report today (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/18061), the Jubilee Debt Campaign, of which is Ekklesia is a backer, is using the 60th anniversary of Germany's post-war debt deal to highlight the contrast between the settlement reached then and the disastrous austerity policies being imposed on Europe today -- pointing out the need for a radical shift in thinking and policy.
The situation in Greece is more than an economic crisis for one country alone, an ecumenical Christian delegation from Europe and Africa has been told.
David Cameron and Kenneth Clarke yesterday (21 May) tried to blackmail the people of Greece. Along with other European politicians, they have threatened the Greeks with all sorts of dire consequences if they elect a left-wing government.