
equal marriage

  • February 15, 2013

    Valentine's Day has become a commercial jamboree that all-too-easily encrusts human affections in money-making and mawkishness.

  • February 5, 2013

    Predictions that the new Archbishop of Canterbury would make a dramatic attack on the government over its marriage bill have proved wide of the mark.

  • February 5, 2013

    In the run-up to a parliamentary debate on 5 February 2013, the thinktank ResPublica has published a paper opposing equal marriage. The authors, Roger Scruton and Phillip Blond, both well-known in Conservative circles, appear to argue that allowing same-sex as well as opposite-sex couples to marry undermines Western civilisation, says Ekklesia associate Savitri Hensman. The paper makes some interesting points, but its case is ultimately flawed and unreliable on practical, theological, historical and legal grounds.

  • January 25, 2013

    The UK government's culture secretary, Maria Miller, gave a rather faltering performance on BBC Radio 4's flagship 'Today' programme this morning, answering questions -- or, rather, trying to avoid them -- about the Marriage (Same-Sex Couples) Bill.

  • January 15, 2013

    Baptist evangelical leader the Rev Steve Chalke has set out his theological and pastoral argument for supporting same-sex relationships in a new article.

  • January 15, 2013

    Prominent British evangelical leader Steve Chalke has urged the Christian Churches to rethink inherited attitudes to same-sex relationships.

  • January 9, 2013

    There has been much ado about bishops of late. First, the Church of England's House of Laity rejected the consecration of women, to the consternation of a majority in their own communion and the incredulity of wider society. Then the Catholic Archbishop of Westminster soured the Nativity season - perhaps the tenderest of all our celebrations of the mysteries of faith - with negativity about same sex love and marriage.

  • December 27, 2012

    Vitriolic attacks on marriage equality in Christmas sermons by senior Catholic figures in England and Wales have been criticised as unfair and inaccurate.

  • December 23, 2012

    The LGBT Anglican Coalition has welcomed the UK government equal marriage proposals, but criticised the Church of England's exclusion from them.

  • December 17, 2012

    Dozens of clergy, including Lord Harries, the former Bishop of Oxford, have signed a letter to the Sunday Telegraph newspaper, coordinated by Changing Attitude, protesting the proposed ban on any Church of England solemnisation of same-sex marriages.