The Christian Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament welcomes a delegation of South Korean Christians to London next week as part of the 'Pilgrimage for Life and Peace to Europe'.
People in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea are trapped in a vicious cycle, in which the failure of the State to provide for life’s basic necessities forces them to turn to rudimentary markets where they face a host of human rights violations, according to a new UN human rights report.
The UN Secretary-General has welcomed the latest efforts made towards building trust and reducing military tension on the Korean Peninsula, following his meeting with North Korea's Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho.
The Korean Christian Federation Central Committee (North Korea) and the National Council of Churches in Korea (South Korea) have composed their annual joint prayer for peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula for 2018.
A two-day historic meeting involving church leaders from North and South of the Korea has ended in Geneva with the Ecumenical Forum for Peace, Reunification and Development Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula issuing a call to “Seek Peace and Pursue It.”
Though US President Donald Trump has cancelled a summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un, churches in the region say that they will continue to work for peace with urgency and determination.
The unexpected release of an imprisoned North Korean woman offers a rare glimpse of hope that the authorities in the repressive state may be loosening their iron grip on the population, Amnesty International said.
The National Council of Churches of Korea has commented on the news that the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea while agreeing to cease missile tests, has requested a summit meeting with the United States, and that President Trump has agreed to a meeting by May.