Frank Field says the ongoing administrative failures of Universal Credit are biting into incomes already cut, frozen, sanctioned and capped to below basic living costs.
The High Court has ruled that the government’s Universal Credit migration arrangements for those who previously received the Severe Disability Premium and moved onto Universal Credit before 16 January 2019 are unlawful.
Universal credit claimants are routinely in the dark about how much they should receive, how their awards are calculated and if and how they can challenge DWP decisions, because communications with claimants are opaque and inadequate, new analysis from the Child Poverty Action Group finds.
The biggest losses experienced are mostly down to a small number of specific choices the government has made about universal credit’s design, says the Institute for FiscalStudies.
In its first two years of operation, the two-child policy has led to an estimated 150,000 families being denied support for an additional child through tax credits or universal credit.
Age UK is becoming worried about the emergence of an 'ageing precariat' who are so stretched financially that an unexpected big bill could mean total disaster.
CPAG says two child limit unlawfully discriminates against children as it no longer treats them as worthy of individual consideration for entitlement to subsistence benefits.