New data obtained through a Freedom of Information request estimates that the UK government has spent up to £500,000 in the courts trying to dodge its duty to tackle illegal and harmful levels of air pollution.
Author of report on child health measures says findings should set alarm bells ringing about the effects of cuts to public health and early years services.
The Chair of the Local Government Association’s Community Wellbeing Board has responded to the latest childhood obesity figures published by NHS Digital showing that obesity prevalence has continued to increase in the last year.
Amnesty International has called for a change to Northern Ireland’s abortion law, which it branded “cruel and discriminatory”, as another 'abortion pills' case came before the courts in Belfast yesterday (27 April 2016) concerning a woman accused of supplying pills to assist her under-age daughter to induce a miscarriage.
A new film, Death on a plate: TTIP, meat inspections and your food, launched today by UNISON and War on Want, lays bare the grave threat a new trade deal poses to the food we eat.
Austerity measures are causing avoidable illness and death on a major scale, public health experts have shown. In the UK and internationally, harsh cuts in public services and social services are damaging child and adult health and hindering economic recovery, yet some governments are pressing ahead.
Overweight or unhealthy people who fail to attend exercise sessions should have their benefits cut, the Local Government Information Unit proposed. Such a measure, included in a report produced with Westminster Council, would be unjust and do more harm than good.