The Prime Minister said yesterday he would not discuss with MPs the details of the Government’s targeted killing programme, the existence of which was revealed this week.
David Cameron told the Commons today that RAF drone strikes at the end of August targeted and killed a British citizen and another Briton, who was not targeted, was also killed.
The Guardian and the New York Times have revealed the existence of documents showing the contribution made by UK intelligence agency GCHQ to US drone strikes in Yemen.
A court in Germany is to take evidence from a Yemeni victim of the secret US drone programme following revelations that military bases in Germany play a key role in the strikes.
A group of human rights organisations have urged President Obama to hold independent investigations into all drone strikes in which civilians have been killed.
The British government has been warned it may face legal action if it fails to consult Parliament and the public on the redeployment of drones outside declared war zones.
The British government is being asked to reopen an investigation into BT, after new evidence appeared to link the company to illegal US drone strikes and their associated surveillance
The Yemeni government has paid compensation to civilian victims of a 2013 drone strike that hit a wedding convoy and which US Government sources have claimed killed only ‘militants.’
Legal charity Reprieve has threatened action against the UK government for failure to investigate the role of UK telecoms giant BT in facilitating covert US drone strikes in Yemen.
Hosted by the Iona Community and Fellowship of Reconciliation Scotland, Chris Cole, coordinator of the advocacy and information organisation, Drone Wars UK, is currently on a short Scottish tour, coinciding with Christian Aid Week and the start of the Church of Scotland General Assembly.