Ka’apor Indians in the Amazon rainforest have formed an indigenous 'army' to combat illegal invasions of their land, following the government’s failure to protect their territory.
A diamond mine has opened in the Central Kalahari Game Reserve, the lands of Africa’s last hunting Bushmen, despite the Botswana government's denials of such a plan.
Peruvian Indians have issued an urgent appeal for government action following a spate of encounters between highly vulnerable uncontacted Indians and tourists.
Africa’s last huntiing Bushmen have given formal notice of their intention to sue the Botswana government over its “unlawful and unconstitutional” attempts to starve them off their ancestral land.
A second wave of highly vulnerable uncontacted Indians has made contact with outsiders in Brazil’s Amazon rainforest, just weeks after experts warned of “genocide” and “extermination” of the tribe.
To mark UN Indigenous Day on 9 August, Survival International reveals five tribal peoples who have been victims of genocide during the 20th century and warns of a potential genocide in the 21st.
Video footage of the first contact with a group of uncontacted Indians near the Brazil-Peru border has emerged alongside new accounts of horrific violence against their community.
Survival International, the global movement for tribal peoples’ rights, has written to the president of Peru, urging him to protect the lands of uncontacted tribes from illegal logging and drug trafficking.
The survivors of a South American tribe which was decimated during the 1950s and 60s are taking Paraguay’s government to court over the genocide they suffered.