The TUC says the design and delivery of the vaccination programme should be led by public health professionals not private contractors.
The actions will coincide with a landmark legal challenge that could extend the rights of the UK's 3.3 million outsourced workers.
The TUC has called for more transparency and accountability on public services outsourcing contracts.
The Home Affairs Committee has raised repeated concerns over the Home Office’s approach to asylum accommodation contracts and the failure of the inspection regime to deal with substandard, unsafe housing.
Private sector leveraging strategies place workers and services at risk, says War on Want.
The largest suppliers are winning more and more government business.
BMA says patients may now be at risk because of error on the part of Capita.
Case could open the door for 3.3 million outsourced workers in the UK to negotiate directly with their de-facto employer.
The UK’s National Health Service is severely u
The BMA says the government's priority should be to stop wasting money on the damaging NHS market in England.
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The College of Policing has provided training for at least 12 countries that are listed as 'human rights priority countries' by the Foreign and...
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