Accord Coalition
Ekklesia was a founder member of this wide coalition of organisations which seeks to reform faith schools. The coalition includes religious groups and individuals, humanists, academics, educationists, trade unions and human rights campaigners. The initiative launched on 1 September 2008 and aims to promote inclusive, community schooling through local and national campaigns.
Anabaptist Network of Organisations
In 2010 ANO succeeded the Root & Branch network of radical, Anabaptist-flavoured organisations across Britain. Ekklesia has been active in both.
Charter for Compassion
Alongside its other work, Ekklesia supports the Charter ( to encourage a recognition of active commitment to the transformative principle of compassion at the heart of most faiths and beliefs.
Coalition of Resistance
Ekklesia has endorsed the statement from this new broad-based civic and trade union coalition aimed at resisting the Comprehensive Spending Review (CSR) public spending cuts targeting the poorest and most vulnerable in society.
Common Wealth
A network of Christians in public life (academics, clergy and activists) setting out a theological and moral case against the governments cuts in public spending an welfare, urging church resistance and economic alternatives, and critiquing misleading 'Big Society' rhetoric.
Critical Religion
Ekklesiais pleased to be associated with the University of Stirling Critical Religion group blog. CR is a research project bringing together academics from a wide range of backgrounds to explore the way 'religion' is employed as a a marker, construct and category in public and intellectual discourse. and
Cutting Edge Consortium
A coalition of faith groups, human rights campaigns, trades unions and other organisations. They are opposing calls for ever more “religious opt-outs” from equalities legislation in Britain.
Forces Watch
ForcesWatch is a new network that challenges the ethics of military recruitment and questions the climate of uncritical national pride in the armed forces. Ekklesia associate director Symon Hill is on the steering group.
Get Fair: Together Against Poverty
Over the past two decades the UK has become richer – but not fairer. It is now the fifth richest country in the world – yet Government statistics show that 1 in 5 people here live in poverty. This has remained the same whether in growth or recession. Get Fair is a coalition working to put anti-poverty strategy and equality at the top of the political agenda.
Inclusive Church
Accepting Evangelicals
Ekklesia's co-directors are signatories to the declarations on full recognition of LGBT people within the life and ministry of the churches from two organisations which bring together Christians from across the theological spectrum and stress the continuity between inclusiveness and historic Christian biblical and credal commitments. and
Jubilee Debt Campaign
Calling for 100% cancellation of unpayable poor country debts, and bringing together a wide range of civic and faith groups to act towards this end.
Just Share
JustShare is a coalition of churches, agencies and other bodies committed to global development and social justice, seeking to empower the world’s poorest communities and campaigning for a just share of the world’s resources for all.
JustPeace for Palestine
...means peace and security for Israelis too. Ekklesia is involved in promoting this new multi-agency initiative for those keen to be involved in supporting a just resolution to the Israel – Palestine crisis - involving churches, mosques, synagogues, schools, unions, and other civil society and faith groups.
London Mennonite Trust
Through its membership of the Anabaptist Network of Organisations, and long-standing collaboration with the London Mennonite Centre, Ekklesia seeks to work in partnership with LMT. Co-director Simon Barrow is a Trustee currently.
NATO Watch
A new, independent project to collect and disseminate information and research on NATO and Euro-Atlantic security issues. It will be the only independent non-governmental organisation with a remit to monitor and analyse NATO on a daily basis.
Network of Christian Peace Organistions (NCPO)
An ecumenical network committed to peace as central to the meaning of church community. A broad group of organisations in the Christian peace tradition committed to furthering peace and encouraging our churches to support the peace movement.
Occupy LSX
Ekklesia is pleased to be involved in a statement of solidarity with Occupy the London Stock Exchange, which is pitched outside St Paul's Cathedral. OLSX tent dwellers and supporters are part of a global grassroots movement opposing corporate greed and inequality within the world's dominant financial and economic systems. They are also seeking to open up public spaces for meaningful discussion of economic and political alternatives.
Power 2010
The idea behind Power 2010 was to involve people at all levels of society in drawing up a programme to change politics, allowing citizens to audit parties and candidates on their commitment to reform in the run up to the May 2010 election. Ekklesia was an actively involved sponsor. Power 2010 has now become part of Unlock Democracy.
Put People First
On 28th March 2009, 35,000 marched through London as part of a global campaign to challenge the G20, ahead of their summit on the global financial crisis. Ekklesia is part of the coalition that emerged.
Robin Hood Tax campaign
A collaborative initiative arguing for a micro-tax on financial transactions to fund action against global poverty. Ekklesia's statement of support reads: "We work for economic and financial systems worth believing in: ones that put people and planet first. Tax justice is key part to this." We are part of the RHT Faith Group - which includes major Christian denominations and agencies.
Still Human Still Here
Campaign dedicated to highlighting the plight of tens of thousands of refused asylum seekers who are destitute in the UK
Take Back Parliament
A coalition of what George Monbiot calls 'the major reform groups', including Ekklesia, demanding fair votes and political reform in the wake of the 2010 General Election result.
Teach Evolution Not Creationism
Ekklesia is a joint signatory to this call by senior scientists and scientific organisations, humanists and religious scientists.
Vote Global
A BOND coalition initiative that profiles the key global issues for the UK general election in a manifesto endorsed by over 150 organisations, including Ekklesia. Provides pathways to action through analysis.