
staff writers's blog

What are #SmallActsOfHope and why do we need them?

Last month, as England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland got into gear for a general election after many months of wrangling and toxicity over Brexit, Ekklesia launched its

Introducing #SmallActsOfHope - things we can all do

Here at Ekklesia we have been thinking about what things ‘ordinary people’ – that’s all of us, one way or another – can do to nurture hope and resist the tide of negativity in these islands and bey

Rediscovering #SmallActsOfHope: a reflection for searchers

In a world marked by increasing division, hostility, dangerous right-wing populism and white supremacism, it is necessary for those committed to justice, peace and sustainability for people and pla

Rediscovering #SmallActsOfHope: a reflection for Christians

Ekklesia’s own roots are in progressive Christian radicalism – the work of the peace churches (notably Mennonites and Quakers), nonconformism and the dissenting and communitarian strands of mainstr

How Ekklesia manages data and privacy

Ekklesia is committed to maintaining the trust and confidence of users, supporters, associates, contributors, partners, donors and visitors to our website and social media.

Exploring the ethics of everyday life

You are invited to a public discussion at the University of Edinburgh on ’The Ethics of Everyday Life’ with Dr Michae

Open Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury from sexual abuse survivor Gilo

Earlier in October 2017, Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby

General Election 2017: rolling blog

Welcome to Ekklesia's rolling blog on the General Election 2017, which will be running actively from an hour after close of polls at 11pm tonight, Thursday 8 June 2017, through to the morni

Virginia Moffatt moves on

Virginia Moffatt, who has been Ekklesia’s Chief Operating Officer for the past two years, is leaving the organisation this week to take up an important NHS post in Oxford, where she lives.

Join Ekklesia at Greenbelt: housing, war and peace, sexuality and the Bible

Ekklesia is delighted to be involved in more events and discussions than ever before at the 216 Greenbelt Festival, which brings Christians and others together to look at how the world is being, an