
staff writers's blog

Ecumenical Patriarch and Pope visit migrants in Lesbos

Pope Francis visits the Greek island of Lesbos on Saturday 16 April 2016.

Middle East Analysis podcast on the Holy Land Coordination

The focus for the first Middle East Analysis podcast of 2016, featuring Ekklesia associate Dr Harry Hagopian, is the Holy Land Coordination – a week long pilgrimage made by Catholic bishops from ac

How your Christmas shopping can help Ekklesia

Do you shop online? Are you planning to purchase your Christmas presents that way? If so you can help Ekklesia without spending any more money. 

More student concern over Stirling religion department

Following the recent reports of continuing concern from students at the University of Stirling over the imperilled future of the globally recognised religion programme there, we have received anoth

Rent Freedom Day puts private housing crisis on the agenda

Generation Rent writes: "If you rent from a private landlord, you’re probably under pressure. You spend on average two days wages every week on rent, you have a one in three chance of living in squalor and you have very little protection if the landlord wants their property back.

Commons debate highlights damaging existing impact of nuclear weapons

Though the recent cross-party attempt to gain a House of Commons vote against the £100 billion renewal of the Trident nuclear weapons system was defeated by the Conservative-led Government, with support from a number of Labour MPs, important points were put on the record about the humanitarian and environmental impact of these WMDs.

A lower benefits cap will hit the least well-off

Cutting benefits for the least well-off doesn’t help people move into work – evidence shows it just makes them poorer, says Helen Barnard, programme manager at the Joseph Rowntree Foundation.

Syriza has to tackle embedded tax abuse

While the focus over Syriza’s win in the Greek general election is understandably the EU and debt, the really big issue facing the anti-austerity coalition is much more deeply embedded and will take longer to solve – corruption driven by debt.

Americans divided on state versus religious interference

Nearly half (46 per cent) of Americans say they are more concerned about the government interfering with the ability of people to freely practice their religion, while an equal number (46 per cent) say they are more concerned about religious groups trying to pass laws that force their beliefs on others.