Public discussion: Inequality and taxation in a globalised world
The Department of Economics and Centre for Macroeconomics at the London School of Economics is holding a public conversation on Tuesday 20 January 2015 (6.30-8pm) at the Hong Kong Theatre, Clement House, on 'Inequality and Taxation in a Globalised World'.
Parliamentary briefing: a new year of war?
On Monday 19 January 2015, Jeremy Corbyn MP is hosting a meeting in the House of Commons to look at the new war stirrings in the light of recent global events.
Martin Luther King Day: towards a 'world house'
In 2015 Martin Luther King Day falls on Tuesday 19 January. There is a moving article on the website of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Center for Nonviolent Social Change by Dr King's widow, Coretta Scott King (who died in 2006), herself an important author, activist and civil rights leader.
Peace Sunday marked across England and Wales
Catholic parishes across England and Wales have celebrating Peace Sunday this weekend, sharing the 2015 peace message of Pope Francis: 'Slaves no more, but brothers and sisters'.
Day of action planned against unjust job sanctions
Social justice activists and trade unionists are preparing nationwide protests against the cruel use of benefit sanctions. They will take place on 19 March 2015.
Facing down division: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2015
The 2015 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity starts this weekend, on Sunday 18th January.
Tackling attacks and abuse against Muslims and Jews in France
Izza Leghtas, who is Western Europe researcher at the NGO Human Rights Watch, has written an important dispatch on why France must now tackle intolerance against Jews and Muslims in the aftermath of the appalling Charlie Hebdo killings.
On not forgetting: extending the truce beyond Christmas
Before we leave 2014 and the centennial remembrance of the 1914 Christmas truces behind, and as we approach the Twelfth Night, here are some final words on the subject from former Irish president Mary McAleese.
A powerful call for principled Christian nonviolence
Back in October 2014, Ekklesia co-spopnsored a major debate on war and peace, provocatively entitled "Who would Jesus shoot?" As a think tank committed to practical and principled nonviolence, we are following up that event in a number of ways - social media discussion, commissioned articles and other material.
Who would Jesus shoot… at Christmas?
One of the tag-lines for our annual appeal ( this year is "Christmas truce? Help make it permanent."