
staff writers's blog

Opposition to new women's prison in Scotland

A petition on the 38Degrees website is calling on the Scottish Government to cancel plans for the proposed large prison for women in Inverclyde. This plan, points out Women for Independence who are advocating on the issue, is against the recommendations of the Commission on Women in Prison, led by Eilish Angiolini, and is being pursued against expert evidence and opinion.

Edinburgh International Science Festival and arms company sponsorship

Edinburgh CAAT (Campaign Against Arms Trade) is taking action to challenge the Scottish capital city's International Science Festival's arms company sponsorship.

‘Who Would Jesus Shoot?’ Join our social media discussion today!

What would it mean for churches to be places where people “learned how not to kill” – to stop viewing killing as a solution, and to start investing in nonviolent alternatives to war? How could they do this? What would it say about their witness? How would it impact how the voice of the church is heard at times of heightened conflict or war?

Look out for An Other Festival (and get well, Adrian)

Our friends at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church have informed us that "A Sacred Talk with Adrian Plass age 65 1/2…ish" on Wednesday 10th December 2014 has unfortunately had to be CANCELLED, due to Adrian being unwell. We wish him a speedy recovery!

Why World Aids Day matters

World AIDS Day is held on 1 December each year and is an opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died. World AIDS Day was the first ever global health day and the first one was held in 1988.

White Ribbon Day: men opposing violence against women

25 November is again designated 'White Ribbon Day' by Men Working Against Violence Against Women this year.

Operation Noah: churches' climate change action needed Bright Now

Operation Noah’s Bright Now campaign is calling for UK Churches to disinvest from fossil fuels.

Manchester lecture: disabled church, disabled society

A talk on 'Disabled Church: Disabled Society', by Ekklesia associate the Rev Dr John Gillibrand takes place at 7pm at Manchester Cathedral on Tuesday 18th November 2014.

Powerful Christian debate on war and peace… where next?

As part of its ongoing work on Remembrance, peacemaking and the investment of churches and civil society groups in alternatives to armed conflict, Ekklesia was delighted to sponsor a conversation on 12 November 2014 looking the justification of war alongside opposition to war, violence and nonviolence in the Christian tradition.

No glory in arms trading as 'remembrance'

Despite, or perhaps because of, its history of war profiteering, the arms industry has only been too happy to exploit the legacy of those who have died in conflicts and to brazenly associate itself with their annual memorials, write Andrew Smith and Matthew Burnett-Stuart of Campaign Against Arms Trade.