
staff writers's blog

Pax Christi materials for Remembrance

Our colleagues at Pax Christi UK, part of the international Catholic peace movement, have put out a statement following consultation with members, and a link to resources around Remembrance.

Anabaptist thinking about Christian engagement a changing world

Ekklesia is pleased to be connected to both domestic and global initiatives in Anabaptist thinking about peace, justice and the role and witness of church communities in a changing world.

The future of religion and belief in Scotland's schools

"Education or indoctrination: the future of religion in Scotland's schools" was the subject of a fascinating discussion at the University of Stirling on Thursday 23rd October, sponsored by Logie Kirk Trust and promoted by our partners at the Critical Religion Association (http://criticalreligion.org/).

Rallies for 'A Just Scotland' and 'Britain Needs A Pay Rise'

In the aftermath of the Scottish independence referendum, a movement galvanised by the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC) is organising a large rally today (Saturday 18 October 2014) in Glasgow, to the put the case for social justice at the heart of policy and power.

Ekklesia and the Oxford half-marathon: the race is today!

On Sunday 12 October 2014, Ekklesia's new chief operating officer, Virginia Moffatt, is taking part in the Oxford half marathon. In so doing she will be raising money for our work on welfare and inclusion, reconciliation, re-imagining remembrance, alternatives to austerity and more.

Scottish charities speak out on policies that drive poverty

Scottish charities have spoken trenchantly on their concerns about the growth of poverty in Scotland under current UK government policies. The Sunday Herald newspaper this weekend (http://www.heraldscotland.com/news/home-news/united-against-a-war-on-the...) published a range of views following policy announcements at the Conservative Party Conference.

How not to understand IS/ISIS

The ever-productive Martin Marty Centre at the Divinity School in the University of Chicago has offered a powerful article in its 'Sightings' series on what can and cannot be known and understood about IS/ISIS at present.

International Day of Non-Violence

Ironically the International Day of Non-Violence falls (2 October 2014) on the same day as UK fighter planes went into action in Iraq, bombing ISIS sites.

Pressure on the borders of Iraq, Syria and Turkey; Libya update

In his latest podcast for the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales, Ekklesia associate and regional adviser/expert Dr Harry Hagopian looks at the on-going fight to contain and repel IS/ISIS and the pressure on the borders of Iraq, Syria and Turkey. He also updates on moves to bring stability to Libya.

Housing Justice hosts social housing social event

Housing Justice is the national voice for Christian action on housing and homelessness. On Thursday evening (24 July 2014) they are holding a guided walk and social event in Bermondsey, to which all are invited.