
Simon Barrow's blog

Reality takes on a new dimension

The spat between Sony and Manchester Cathedral over the siting of part of its violent video game Resistance: The Fall of Man raises issues which go far beyond legal rights and moral posturing.

Support for Amnesty continues

The attempt by the Vatican to get ordinary Catholics to stop supporting Amnesty International because it will not back a total ban on abortion - even in cases of rape and incest - is causing hurt, disappointment and anger among many people.

Buying books helps to fund the quest for peace with justice

Book sales help to keep Ekklesia running, to back those working for peace with justice - and to keep you informed and connected.

People are not for sale

The Stop the Traffik (sic) coalition is using word-of-mouth (or, rather, word-by-email) to get its message out through brief, high impact films aimed at passing on to friends.

Father knows best?

One of the many important life-issues raised by traditional Christian language about God is that of gender and paternity - human and divine.

London seminar - Jesus' Family Values

This Thursday (31 May) there is a unique chance to engage with Professor Deirdre Good about why the church may be overlooking Jesus and the Gospel message of inclusive community in its quest for 'fami

The Ekklesia haitus

Many apologies for the haitus over the past few days.

A slow news week

Due to both domestic and technical issues, the Ekklesia daily news bulletin hasn't been running this week - but it will be back in action on Monday 21 May.

Migration is an issue of justice not scapegoating

Keeping faith with young offenders and justice