
Commentary by Savi Hensman

  • July 27, 2010

    'Britain’s witch children', a Channel 4 television Dispatches documentary shown on Monday 26 July, was disturbing and revealing.

  • July 27, 2010

    'Britain’s witch children', a Channel 4 television Dispatches documentary shown on Monday 26 July, was disturbing and revealing.

  • July 27, 2010

    'Britain’s witch children', a Channel 4 television Dispatches documentary shown on Monday 26 July, was disturbing and revealing.

  • July 27, 2010

    'Britain’s witch children', a Channel 4 television Dispatches documentary shown on Monday 26 July, was disturbing and revealing.

  • July 27, 2010

    'Britain’s witch children', a Channel 4 television Dispatches documentary shown on Monday 26 July, was disturbing and revealing.

  • July 12, 2010

    In a world that often values “strong” leadership and soundbite-style communication, church leaders may be tempted to promote conformity, says Savi Hensman. But this may do more harm than good.

  • June 27, 2010

    Unequal treatment of women undermines the whole church’s calling to care for the needy and challenge the world by witnessing to the possibility of a new way of life in which none are exploited or marginalised, says Savi Hensman, and she examines...

  • May 31, 2010

    The attack at the end of May 2010 on the aid convoy heading towards Gaza raises challenging questions for the US government and its international allies, as well as the Israeli regime, says Savi Hensman.

  • May 17, 2010

    The consecration of a partnered lesbian Anglican bishop in Los Angeles is not an aberration in Christian history, says Savi Hensman. It is a sign of God's grace and justice, and a reminder of many other witnesses to biblical truth and hope.

  • April 27, 2010

    The ‘get tough’ approach to sick and disabled welfare claimants promoted by the big party players in the run up to this General Election, and in recent media rhetoric, is not just morally cheap, says Savi Hensman. It is reflective of a profoundly...

  • April 15, 2010

    While some Roman Catholic leaders are truly penitent, says Savi Hensman, some have dug the church into an even deeper hole by their attempts to shift blame on to others. A more careful assessment is needed of claims and counter-claims.

  • April 2, 2010

    In Sri Lanka in recent decades, the term "traitor" has been flung about with wild abandon, says Savi Hensman, raising questions about what loyalty people might owe to a nation and what this might mean in practice.

  • March 13, 2010

    On 24 March 1980, Archbishop Oscar Romero was assassinated by the government of El Salvador, Savi Hensman reminds us. But his legacy of prayerful Christian engagement with the cause of justice and peace in the world cannot be killed off.

  • February 9, 2010

    All too often, ineffective or dangerous remedies no longer saleable in the West are exported to Africa, says Savi Hensman. The notion that homosexuality can be 'cured' is just one example. Christians should not be implicated in the suffering and...

  • January 27, 2010

    The bishops' highly publicised defence of discrimination in the Equality bill damages the image of the church, says Savi Hensman. Their political victory in the House of Lords this week is a moral and spiritual defeat.