
Ethical and educational charity gifts for teachers

By staff writers
July 17, 2009

All teachers know that children are the future of any country's success. It is no different for African children. Their education is key to future economic growth and lasting democracy, leading to greater stability and improved standards of living. The current state of education in Africa, however, is plagued by a lack of funds, teachers, textbooks, and equipment.

Why not buy your teacher an ethical gift this summer and invest in the future of a poor country? Currently, 45 million children in Sub-Saharan Africa don’t get the chance to go to school. Primary school enrolments and literacy rates in Africa are among the lowest in the world. Many children cannot afford to go to or stay in primary school.

Buying charity gifts has recently become a fun, quick and easy way of recognising all the hard work teachers do. Instead of getting presents they don't need, teachers get the satisfaction of knowing they've helped people living in poverty.

A number of aid agencies offer the chance to buy vital equipment for struggling schools. For example, UNICEF, Save the Children, and Oxfam’s charity gift schemes all provide school desk gifts.

Buying the charity gift of a desk from UNICEF will support their work in Rwanda. For just £25 you can enable a child to escape from poverty by helping provide them with an education. Click here to visit the UNICEF website.

Oxfam’s charity gift scheme Unwrapped, have a charity gift that combines a school desk and chair. They are firm in their belief that proper facilities can help make learning fun, encouraging children to stay in school.

For just £30 your charity gift will help provide the facilities that make learning possible for impoverished children. As Varney Holme, working in a school in Monrovia, Liberia says: “Before, there were two students to a chair and five sharing one bench. So concentration was short. Now they have double desks and are more comfortably seated.” Click here to visit the Oxfam site.

By giving the charity of a desk and/or chair to a school in Africa, you can help turn any space into a proper classroom. It’s full marks for this gift! Hands up – who wants one?

It can all be done quickly and easily online. You just visit the website of the particular charity, select the gift for your teacher, and a card is sent to them with your personal message (and a certificate through Save the Children) telling them what has been given. The gift is then despatched on your teacher's behalf to the developing world.

So if you are looking for that extra special gift for your teacher this Christmas then visit the following (click to go to the site)

World Vision gifts for teachers

Christian Aid's gifts for teachers

Save the children's gifts for teachers

UNICEF's gifts for teachers

Oxfam Unwrapped Teacher's gifts

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