As tension and violence continues to escalate in Gaza, Caritas Jerusalem, the Catholic aid agency, continues to be alarmed at the ongoing deterioration of the health situation in the Palestinian Territories - and involved in practical work to redress the situation.
The Bible and the Qur'an will share the spotlight with the usual menu of political debate and rancour when the US Congress reconvenes tomorrow (4 January 2007)- writes Chris Herlinger for Ecumenicl News International.
A television documentary following British church leaders on a recent pre-Christmas 'pilgrimage of peace' to the Israel Palestine ‚Ä' and particularly Bethlehem, traditionally held to be the birthplace of Jesus ‚Ä' is due to be screened this weekend.
The recent peaceful election in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is just the first step in uniting a country ravaged by decades of war and dictatorship - writes Alain Kabeya N'tumba, advocacy officer for the Kinshasa office of CAFOD, the Catholic Fund for Overseas Development.
Pakistan earthquake survivors are learning new skills to rebuild their homes as part of a steady process of community reconstruction, say church-based aid organisations involved in relief and long-term redevelopment.
The new head of the US Episcopal Church, Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, has made tackling global poverty her 2007 resolution. In a message sent to local congregations and other church and public leaders, the ECUSA Primate highlights the United Nations Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as a practical Christian priority.
Churches joined enthusiastic 2007 New Year celebrations in Bulgarian and Romanian towns and cities earlier today ‚Ä' events which also marked the two countries' entry into the expanding European Union.
Pope Benedict XVI, leader of the world's 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, has highlighted the links between human rights and human reconciliation in his 2007 New Year message, delivered at St Peter's Rome.
The auxiliary bishop of the Chaldeans in Baghdad, Shlemon Warduni, has called on fellow-believers to “continue to pray for peace across the world and today especially in Iraq” following the execution of former dictator Saddam Hussein at 6.10am today.
Following the execution of former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein earlier this morning(30 December 2006), the general secretary of the World Council of Churches issued a statement asking God to grant the nation of Iraq "the mercy, justice and compassion that it has long been denied" and "an end to fear and death that marked Saddam Hussein's rule and that continue now".