
Inter-faith peace pilgrimage planned for 'holy city' of Southall

By staff writers
June 6, 2011

An inter-faith reconciliation walk is due to take place on Saturday 11 June 2011 in what is being called by the organisers the ‘holy city’ of Southall, west London.

The 26th Annual Multi-Faith Pilgrimage for Peace is being sponsored by Westminster Interfaith, an agency of the Catholic Diocese of Westminster, which works in cooperation with a range of other religious and civic bodies.

Many religions will be represented in the pilgrimage, which will pass by or enter different places of worship in Southall, including Christian churches, Islamic mosques, Buddhist and Hindu temples, and Sikh gurdwaras.

This year's pilgrimage is a Peace walk to commemorate the first such event, which was organised by Brother Daniel Faivre, a committed inter-faith worker, in 1986.

Jon Dal Din, director of Westminster Interfaith comments: “The aim of Westminster Interfaith is to increase understanding, co-operation and respect between Christians and people of different faiths, and in particular to promote greater awareness through dialogue, prayer and action, according to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council [of the Roman Catholic Church].”

Vatican II, the reforming church council that took place between 1963-1965, opened the door to a more positive range of relations and understandings between Catholic Christians and those of other faith and belief.

“If you cannot come with us, then say a prayer during the day, especially for all those, in this country and throughout the world, who are suffering on account of their race or religious beliefs,” Jon Dal Din urged.

The timetable for the day is as follows:

09.30 Holy Trinity Church, Uxbridge Road, UB1 3HJ

10.15 Vishwa Hindu Kendra, 2 Lady Margaret Road, UB1 2RA

11.15 Southall Sai Centre, Southall Park UB1 3BT
Special guests: Baha’i Choir and other groups

12.45 Lunch in Southall Park provided by Sachkhand Nanak Dham and Sathya Sai

1.30 Ahmadiyya Muslim Association, 11 Boyd Avenue, UB1 3BT

2.30 Central Jamia Masjid Mosque, Montague Waye, UB2 5PA

3.30 Buddha Vihara, Ambedkar Centre, 12 Featherstone Road, UB2 5AA

4.00 St Anselm’s RC Church, The Green, UB2 4BE

5.00 Gurdwara Sri Guru Singh Saba, Havelock Road, UB2 4NP


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