
A prayer for the people - 11 September 2001/11

By staff writers
September 11, 2011

The World Council of Churches has produced the following prayer to mark the tenth anniversary of the '9/1' attacks in the USA, on 11 September 2001, and the conflict and war that has continued since then.

Have mercy on us, O God, according to your steadfast love;
according to your abundant mercy, remove terror from our lives.

Consecrate our memories, O Lord,
when we call to mind those who suffered and died
as a result of September 11th and its consequences.

Bless us as we experience anew the pain of loss,
and as we work to prevent such tragedy from happening again.

Arouse our gratitude as we recall the quality of support and caring
extended to those who were injured, in shock and in mourning.
Inspire us to provide that quality of care whenever people are in need.

Bring us together in love. Let not nation lift up sword against nation,
nor culture against culture, nor religion against religion, nor person against person.

Cleanse our hearts of violent intent and the lust for vengeance.
Help us to repent of hatred, and to seek peace based on your justice.

Forgive us our sins, O Lord, and teach us the things that make for peace;
for we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Prince of Peace,
to the glory of your Triune name. Amen.

* World Council of Churches - http://www.oikoumene.org/

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