How can Scotland flourish? A writer and a former bishop enquire
Scotland is getting it wrong. This is the bold assertion of Blossom: What Scotland Needs to Flourish, a passionate polemic on Scottish culture, society and politics (including key issues like land reform) by award-winning journalist Lesley Riddoch.
Tonight (Friday 25 October 2013) she is speaking alongside Richard Holloway, arts promotor and former Episcopal Church primus and Bishop of Edinburgh. His latest book is called A Plea for a Secular Scotland, and raises questions about the boundaries and interaction of religion and public life.
Together they ponder Scotland’s future well-being in a discussion chaired by Jamie Maxwell, and with a weather-eye to the 2014 independence referendum.
The discussion begins at 6.30pm at the Drill Hall (Out of the Blue), 30-38 Dalmeny Street, Leith, Edinburgh EH6 8RG. It is part of the Edinburgh Independent Radical Book Fair 2013 organised by Word Power books.
* More details of this event and the Radical Book Fair here: http://www.word-power.co.uk/viewEventList.php?category_id=1
* More on the Scottish independence debate from Ekklesia: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/scottishindependence
* Land Reform in Scotland: Ekklesia's submission to LRRG: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/landreformscotland
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