
Help get the welfare assessment petition over the line

By Simon Barrow
November 22, 2013

Welfare changes and cuts are already causing significant harm to disabled and sick people across the UK. Welfare News Service (http://welfarenewsservice.com) is at the forefront of reporting and analysing what is going on.

Individual cuts in payment, support and provision are serious in their own right. The contracted-out assessment processes are frequently inhumane and ineffective. But it is the cumulative impact of these 'reforms' that will enable us best to see and understand as a society what is going on, why it is wrong, and how it needs to change.

That is why Ekklesia supports the WoW (war on Welfare) e-government petition calling for just such an independent, overarching assessment, as well as the investigation of many other aspects of the working of the DWP and policy in this area.

The WoWzers have done an incredible job on very limited resources. Over the past six months, this petition has been the most regularly 'trending' one on the /epetitions.direct.gov.uk website.

Now just over 14,000 more signatories are needed by 12 December 2013 to help reach the 100,000 total that trigger a parliamentary debate. It is vital that the momentum continues over the next 21 days.

If you have not signed already, please do so, and promote the petition to friends and colleagues.

* WOW petition here: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/43154

* WOW site: http://wowpetition.com

* Twitter: @WOWpetition #WoWpetition

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