
The church needs sexual healing

By Press Office
December 1, 2013

Ekklesia associate Savitri Hensman will be appearing on the BBC Radio 4 Sunday programme, and then on local station Radio Berkshire, on the morning of Sunday 1 December – talking about the Pilling report on sexuality in the Church of England, and hopefully getting the chance to mention her own important Ekklesia research paper, 'Church views on sexuality: recovering the middle ground'.

"While not embracing full inclusion at present, [Pilling] marks a step forward in calling for a more welcoming attitude and recognising that there are strong theological arguments both for and against recognising same-sex partnerships," writes Savitri of the Church of England House of Bishops Working Group on human sexuality, chaired by Sir Joseph Pilling.

The message is clear: the churches need healing in their contentions over sexuality, if they are to recover a sense of perspective and respect in relation to the core message of the Gospel, that of transformatory love.

On this occasion, Savitri will be wearing her hat as vice-chair of the board of trustees for the Lesbian and Gay Christian Movement (LGCM). Her Guardian columns can be found here (http://www.theguardian.com/profile/savitrihensman), her Greenbelt talks here (http://www.greenbelt.org.uk/media/talks/contributor:savitri-hensman/) and her Ekklesia columns and blogs here (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/news/columns/hensman) and here (http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/blog/13).

* On Pilling: C of E should be more welcoming, sexuality report urges: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/19550

* Church views on sexuality: recovering the middle ground: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/node/19512

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