
Can we make peace practical in a violent world?

By Press Office
June 3, 2014

This is the theme of a discussion meeting taking place at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church tonight (7pm, Tuesday 3rd June 23014), in a two-part series co-sponsored by Ekklesia.

What does it mean to be followers of Jesus in the way of peacemaking? Some Christians see 'just war' as permissible on the path to peace; others believe that war is forbidden. In seeking a fresh perspective rooted in practice-based approaches rather than abstract theory, Ekklesia's Simon Barrow will be in a conversation with Jean Harrison of Bloomsbury Baptist Church about her experience with ecumenical accompaniment in Israel-Palestine. They will look together at how nonviolent interventions 'on the ground' in situations of conflict can challenge and change our received ideas about peace and justice.

This will be an opportunity to listen, discuss and share your own experience. Jean will also be showing some visuals from her 2011 Bethlehem visit.

* To download a poster for this event, and one next week, click here (*.PDF Adobe Acrobat document): http://www.anabaptistnetwork.com/pdf/DisciplesOnTheWayPublicity.pdf

* Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church, 235 Shaftesbury Avenue, London, WC2H 8EP.
T: 020 7240 0544.

* Next week's event (7pm, 10th June) will look at 'Baptism as a gateway to conflict transformation?': http://www.anabaptistnetwork.com/node/686


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