
Conference: Equality and religion in a changing world

By Press Office
October 31, 2014

The fourth Cutting Edge Consortium Conference will take place on 1st November 2014 at Conway Hall, Red Lion’s Square from 10am to 5pm (registration from 9.30am). The theme of this year’s conference is “Equality and Religion in a Changing World”.

Speakers include prominent LGBT campaigners, trade unionists, lawyers and academics, as well as politicians and representatives from faith communities. There will be two plenaries, one focusing on the international context of faith-based homophobia, biphobia and transphobia, the other on the changing nature of LGBT activism in the UK. There will also be a panel session on the current political situation for LGBT rights in the UK and worldwide.

Workshops will take place on a variety of topics including activism – the next generation, deconstructing complimentarity in the theology of marriage, the future of civil partnerships, resisting gay cures, religious accommodation in schools and public services and many more.

Ekklesia is a supporter of the Cutting Edge Consortium, and two of our associates, Savitri Hensman Symon Hill are speakers and contributors at this event.

The aim of the Cutting Edge Consortium is to eliminate faith based homophobia, biphobia and transphobia. The 2014 conference will bring together a diverse range of activists working to that end. For more details on how to register please go to the Cutting Edge Consortium website or email cuttingedgeconsortium1@googlemail.com

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