
Different visions of Scotland's future

By Simon Barrow
November 18, 2014

A public roundtable discussion of 'Scotland: Our Visions and Divisions', chaired by Allan Little (BBC), will take place on Wednesday 19th November, 6:00pm – 7:15pm in the Martin Hall, New College, the University of Edinburgh, EH1 2LX (followed by a reception in the Rainy Hall).

Competing visions for those living in Scotland and in the UK have emerged in recent months, prompting many to ask: ‘what unites or divides a society?’

Four leading scholars will go beneath the surface of visions and divisions to discuss how spaces, places, texts and genes shape our self understanding, evolving personalities and social interactions.

By bringing together a literary expert (Professor Penny Fielding); a genetic psychologist (Professor Tim Bates); a physical geographer (Professor Matthew Bampton), and an academic architect (Dr Suzanne Ewing), this interdisciplinary panel will delve into what shapes our visions and divisions, what forms us into the way that we are, what makes us different as well as more or less cooperative, and what are the implications for living together on this group of Islands off the North Western coast of Continental Europe.

Drawing on a range of concrete case studies participants will consider how the genes we inherit, the texts we interact with, the buildings we inhabit and the spaces we move through contribute to our interpretations of the past, experiences of the present and hopes for the future.

The event is co-sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities (IASH) and the Centre for Theology and Public Issues (CTPI) at the University of Edinburgh. It is part of the UK’s first National Festival of the Humanities - Being Human.

* Registrations essential for: Our Visions and Divisions (Being Human: Spaces, Places, Texts & Genes) To book tickets (a few are remaining at the time of writing) please visit Eventbrite: http://bit.ly/VisionsDivisions
Any practical difficulties or questions please email: IASH Staff

* More from Ekklesia on the Scottish referendum and after here: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/scottishindependence

* More from CTPI: http://www.ekklesia.co.uk/ctpi


© Simon Barrow is co-director of Ekklesia and a member of the executive of the Centre for Theology and Public Issues at New College, Edinburgh.

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