
Virginia Moffatt moves on

By staff writers
September 16, 2016

Virginia Moffatt, who has been Ekklesia’s Chief Operating Officer for the past two years, is leaving the organisation this week to take up an important NHS post in Oxford, where she lives.

She will continue as an associate of the Christian think tank, which advocates transformative approaches to social change rooted in a strong commitment to economic justice, nonviolence, environmental responsibility, equality and a creative exchange among those of different convictions (religious or otherwise).

Ekklesia’s Director, Simon Barrow, said: “We are hugely grateful for all the work Virginia has done for during her time with us. She has played a vital role in developing our pioneering work on welfare and disability, expanding our events programme, increasing grant and crowdfunding income for research, and managing the day-to-day running of the organisation.

“We wish her all the best for the future, and look forward to finding continued ways of collaborating in the future.”

 After working in social care for thirty years, Virginia Moffatt left local government to work for the Ekklesia in 2014. She is a member of an academy school board, a parent, an active Catholic, and has been involved in peacemaking over many years.

 In 2004 Virginia first had the idea for her forthcoming novel, Echo Hall, which is currently being publicly funded through Unbound (https://unbound.com/books/echo-hall). The book concerns three generations of women experiencing love, loss and conflict in times of war.

In 2009 Virginia set up her blog, ‘A Room of My Own', where she publishes flash fiction, short essays and reflections about writing and reading.

On 10 November 2016 she will be speaking about Echo Hall as part of an event looking at rethinking Remembrance, an Ekklesia concern since 2007, at Bloomsbury Central Baptist Church in London.

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