
Korean churches continue to pursue peace

By agency reporter
July 21, 2018

The Korean Christian Federation Central Committee (North Korea) and the National Council of Churches in Korea (South Korea) have composed their annual joint prayer for peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula for 2018. The World Council of Churches is inviting its fellowship and all people of goodwill to use the prayer during worship, especially on 12 August, the weekend before 15 August, the anniversary of Korea's liberation and division.

The prayer is just one part of many ongoing efforts to build peace on the Korean Peninsula. The Ecumenical Forum for Korea (EFK), with the theme “From the Tozanso Process to the Panmunjom Process" was held in Geneva, Switzerland on 22-23 June. Forty-four people attended, including members, observers, and staff.

The EFK affirmed that it wishes to honor the significance of the Inter-Korean Panmunjom Summit by moving to the next phase after the "Tozanso Process," and will now refer to its work going forward as the "Panmunjom Process." In this way, EFK members said they hope to ride the wave of transforming the atmosphere on the peninsula to one of detente in the spirit of the efforts of the two leaders on the Korean peninsula.

The National Council of Churches (NCCK) in Korea is also continuing to campaign for a peace treaty between Japan and Korean by inviting international partners and Korean members to Japan to link its peace treaty campaign to the International Article 9 Conference. Following the conference, Korea campaign participants came to Korea and visited areas close to the DMZ to reflect more on the significance of the Panmunjom Declaration and ending the Korean War. They also met with a Korean National Assembly representative and staff of the Ministry of Unification. The NCCK committed to continuing the peace treaty campaign at least through 2019 until a peace regime becomes a reality.

* Read the NCCK invitation to prayer for reconciliation and peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula here

* The World Council of Churches promotes Christian unity in faith, witness and service for a just and peaceful world. An ecumenical fellowship of churches founded in 1948, by the end of 2012 the WCC had 345 member churches representing more than 500 million Christians from Protestant, Orthodox, Anglican and other traditions in over 110 countries. The WCC works cooperatively with the Roman Catholic Church.

* World Council of Churches http://www.oikoumene.org/en


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