
Protests planned for Donald Trump visit to London during NATO summit

By agency reporter
November 6, 2019

Protesters will mark the visit of US President Donald Trump to London in early December, when he attends the 2019 NATO Summit.

On Tuesday 3 December 2019, the Queen will be hosting a reception for NATO leaders at Buckingham Palace and protesters from a wide range of campaigning organisations will be there to greet the delegation. Crowds will be assembling in Trafalgar Square from 4pm where there will be speeches and music before setting off towards Buckingham Palace.

Kate Hudson, General Secretary of CND, said: “NATO is a hugely dangerous and destructive nuclear-armed alliance with the capacity to destroy all forms of life many times over. This is no time to celebrate and welcome it to London. It’s time to put an end to NATO, and build the peaceful, just world that we want to see.”

Lindsey German, Stop the War Coalition Convenor, said: “Trump will be coming here the week before an election and will endorse Johnson. We need an alternative to war, militarism and racism – an anti-war government and a mass demonstration against Trump and NATO.”

* Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament https://cnduk.org/


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