
Good news... the beeb goes nuclear

By Simon Barrow
March 16, 2007

Blair's bad hair day trumps Cameron's parting of the waves. Official.

I refer, of course, to the story about the parliamentary debate on Trident proving a bigger internet draw than the one about the Conservative leader changing the side on which her parts his hair.

Yes, according to BBC2's The Daily Politics, more people really were interested in the possibilities of nuclear annihilation (880,000 went to the BBC's online coverage in 12 hours) than Cameron's follical mystery (numbers...? don't ask - huge).

A small blow against a media culture dominated by celebrity-type trivia? Just.

(Mind you, our slightly tongue-in-cheek Elton John story is attracting more 'hits' than everything else in the newsbrief put together at the moment...)

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