Opening up BBC's Thought for the Day
After an interview today on BBC Radio Four's Today Programme, during which he urged that Thought for the Day have contributors from beyond the main world religions, Ekklesia's co-director and contributor to Thought for the Day said:
"The BBC's Thought for the Day slot is a vital space to reflect on, and challenge about, the meaning, direction and wholeness of our lives.
"The slot would be even richer if it was also accessible for humanists, agnostics, atheists, secularists, and those who draw occasionally from religion without subscribing to religious doctrines."
"Is it not only the religious who should be allowed to reflect on the meaning, direction, and wholeness of our lives. Others from outside the main world religions have life stances, deeply held beliefs, ethical positions and spiritualities.
"We may not agree with one another, and each life-stance makes claims about truth that the other would dispute, but this is nothing new to Thought for the Day. Indeed, one of the strengths of the slot is to enable those with different convictions to bring contrasting perspectives and make others think.
"At a time when there is a growing stand-off between 'religionists' and 'secularists', Thought for the Day, with sensitive and reflective contributions, could play an important part in healing the damaging rifts and encouraging people to emerge from their deeply entrenched positions and listen to one another. We won't all agree, but we might all be enriched by the diversity of others thoughts."