
Bloggers can speak out for justice and peace

By Press Office
October 4, 2007

The think-tank Ekklesia, which reports, researches and comments on religion in society, is joining the "International Bloggers Day for Burma" (4 October 2007) to back peaceful change and global solidarity.

Ekklesia co-director Simon Barrow commented: "No-one should underestimate the scale of the task involved in challenging a heavily armed and ruthless dictatorship in Burma. But as the Burmese people show extraordinary courage, the scale of worldwide nonviolent political and economic action is also unprecedented. This international bloggers' day is a good way of mobilising opinion and support, as well as highlighting fresh approaches to social action for justice and peace."

The Free Burma site also has a petition widget and links to other campaigning organisations. http://www2.free-burma.org/index.php

Saturday 6 October has been declared an international day of action in support of the Burmese people, with public demonstrations and boycotts planned the world over.

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