The ‘Big Bang’ has reopened questions about the creation of the universe. In this discussion the astronomer Eric Priest and physicist Christopher Isham will answer questions about the origin and destiny of the universe, and discuss what cosmology has to say about God and creation with theologians David Burrell and Frances Young.
• David Burrell is Professor in Philosophy and Theology at the University of Notre Dame. An expert on Islam, Judaism and Christianity, he is a priest in the Roman Catholic order of the Congregation of Holy Cross and the author of Freedom and Creation in Three Traditions.
• Eric Priest FRS is Professor of Theoretical Solar Physics in the Mathematics Department at St Andrew’s University and Vice-President of the Royal Astronomical Society. He is an Advisor to the Faraday Institute for Science and Religion.
• Christopher Isham is Professor of Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London. He is a television broadcaster and has appeared in a film about Stephen Hawking. His books include Physics, Philosophy and Theology.
• Frances Young OBE, FBA is a leading theologian and Biblical scholar. Formerly Professor of Theology at Birmingham University and Pro-Vice Chancellor, she was awarded the OBE for services to theology. She also works with L’Arche, a network of faith-based communities based on people with learning disabilities.
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