Research papers in the category Peace and Nonviolence.
November 29, 2007
Following the 2 October 2006 shooting that killed five Amish girls and wounded five others in the USA, three investigators (Dr Donald B. Kraybill, Elizabethtown College, Pennsylvania, Dr Steven M. Nolt, Goshen College, Indiana, and Dr David...
January 10, 2007
Ekklesia is currently working on a multi-author publication looking at alternatives to prison. Drawing on international examples of criminal justice as well as domestic, this will explore ideas of restorative justice - and will look at some...
June 14, 2006
This book examines the changing relationship between faith and politics. For the best part of 1700 years, the institutional church has enjoyed a...
March 27, 2006
A briefing paper following the release of Christian Peacemaker Norman Kember from captivity in Iraq, which addresses the allegations made against both him and his organisation Christian Peacemaker Teams.
October 24, 2005
A short paper about the issues raised by the Government's Racial and Religious Hatred Bill, looking at blasphemy and the place of religion in public life.