Research papers in the category Beliefs and Values.
April 19, 2007
This paper proposes that the figure of St George should be reclaimed according to his true, hidden story – as a dissenter against the abuse of power, a contrast to religious crusades, a global figure we share with other nations, someone who...
February 1, 2007
A description, analysis and overview (including guidelines for response) to Christian fundamentalism in particular and the 'fundamentalist mindset' more generally.
January 1, 2007
An initial statement from New Generation Network, a non-partisan group of progressive voices, predominantly from Asian backgrounds. It calls for fresh approaches to tackling racism, discrimination and...
December 3, 2006
Originally due for publication in March 2007, following the Church of England's General Synod and the Anglican Primates' meeting in Tanzania, this report - produced in partnership with Inclusive Church - was to look at claims being made by...
July 24, 2006
A report addressing why religion is not and never will be ‘a purely private matter’; why the answer to ‘toxic faith’ is not ‘less religious religion’ but a renewal of its resources for faithfulness; why post-Christendom requires non-ideological...