February 21, 2012
The Arab awakening or sahwa that was initially dubbed an Arab spring began with an idea (fikra) that morphed into a movement (haraka) across a wide region and is now in painful search of clear and coherent policies (...
February 14, 2012
The Welfare Reform Bill (WRB) which has returned to the House of Lords on 14 February 2012, before its final passage to Royal Assent, is seen by those living at the sharp end of society (not least disabled and sick people) as a significant threat...
January 9, 2012
This report, written by disabled people themselves, and based on an analysis of some 500 responses to the UK government's consultation on its planned Disability Living Allowance (DLA) changes and cuts, illustrates that the coalition's proposed '...
December 31, 2011
It is just over twelve months since the ‘Arab Spring’ took off in the Middle East and North Africa region (MENA), on 17 December 2010, in a spontaneous eruption of deep indignation but also of high expectation. In this personal paper, regional...
December 10, 2011
This submission to the Scottish Government – regarding its proposals to legalise same-sex marriage and religious ceremonies in the registering of civil partnerships – seeks to balance two concerns: namely, freedom of conscience and practice for...