A survey shows that the government's suspension of free and discounted travel for children and young people in London will force some families to cut back on daily living expenses and restrict children’s access to family, friends and out-of-school activities.
Councils are striving to build local economies in a way that ensures the proceeds of growth are shared more fairly across communities, says a new report.
The new guide, published during LGBT History Month and National Apprenticeship Week, will help union reps fully support LGBT apprentices in the workplace.
Analysis suggests that businesses are offering higher-level apprenticeships to established employees, rather than using them as a potential route in for new starters.
Young people think that knowing the right people and being confident are more important for getting on in life than going to university, according to new Ipsos MORI polling published by the Sutton Trust.
More employers need to recognise the benefits of using positive action to increase the number of female, disabled and ethnic minority apprentices in Britain, according to the national equality body.