The World Council of Churches' General Secretary has led prayers for the numerous young victims who have had their names recorded in Kingston, Jamaica, since 2008.
The Latin American Council of Churches Youth Pastoral Ministry will be seeking to strengthen its work in Central and South America over the next three years.
Youth have not inherited a rebellious hostility to their parents’ beliefs, although for many religion is irrelevant for daily living, says a new report.
A group of young people from some of the poorest communities in Scotland fly out to the World Cup of Friendship in South Africa today, backed by church workers.
The church needs to learn to listen more as well as giving advice when it comes to supporting people considering suicide, a senior Kirk minister has claimed.
The Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu, will join the Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, to launch a York Youth Trust this coming Saturday.
The values we are willing to tolerate and those we would like, need to be brought closer together, says Jill Segger. Forgiveness and grace need to be part of the picture if destruction is not to reign.