

  • August 9, 2007

    The World Council of Churches (WCC) will welcome five young people to serve as interns in its Geneva offices from February 2008 to January 2009 - working in areas such as peace, media relations and interreligious understanding.

  • June 2, 2007

    Church groups, alcohol protection campaigners and parents' groups are among those who have welcomed a plan to include warning labels on bottles of alcohol sold in pubs, shops and off-licenses.

  • May 11, 2007

    Pope Benedict XVI has received a warm welcome in Brazil, the world's largest Catholic-majority nation. But President Lula says decriminalizing abortion is a healthcare necessity and that one moral stance cannot be imposed on all.

  • April 9, 2007

    In his Easter messages, Dr John Sentamu, the Anglican Archbishop of York, has said that acts of generosity, courage and life-giving are needed to turn society away from its self-preoccupation and consumerism.

  • February 8, 2007

    Germany's Protestant churches are distributing thousands of postcards in 16 languages to schools and bars as part of a new campaign to encourage young people to get involved in projects to promote social tolerance and non-violence - writes Frauke Brauns from Bielefeld, Germany, for Ecumenical News International (ENI).

  • January 25, 2007

    In 2006, the young people of Methodism challenged the Church to dedicate a month to prayer for improved relationships between people of different faiths. They pointed to the 'hostile and untrue' things that are said about some faiths, particularly Islam. Inter faith action, they decided, was hugely important as a way of challenging this. And the first step could be prayer.