CND has rejected Lord West's call for Labour to back like-for-like replacement of the Trident nuclear weapons system as "ill-founded and out-of-touch."
The Ministry of Defence (MoD) will this week announce that £350 million is to be spent on design contracts for a new generation of nuclear-armed submarines
“A dog starved at his master's gate, predicts the ruin of the state”. These lines from William Blake's Auguries of Innocence go beyond the obvious cruelty they describe. They remind us of the destruction which follows when power abdicates responsibility, care and compassion.
Ministers are expected to give the go-ahead on the next stage of replacing Britain's Trident nuclear weapons system in a statement to MPs tomorrow (18 May.)
The Church of Scotland has called for more honesty from the Government on the amount of money being spent in relation to the Trident nuclear weapon system.
The Lib Dem defence minister, Nick Harvey, has confirmed that the coalition government will go ahead with like-for-like replacement of the Trident nuclear weapons system without considering alternatives.
The Tory and Labour supremos came together in last night's TV Leaders' Debate in an effort to defend the widely questioned replacement of Trident nuclear submarines.
Britain's best know peace campaigner will this Sunday (11th April) highlight the lack of debate during the general election campaign so far over levels of spending on nuclear weapons.
Scotland’s church leaders have launched an Easter message challenging all political parties to scrap Trident nuclear weapons and redirect resources to meet social need.
Church campaigners have been cheered that the Liberal Democrats have become the first of the biggest parties to say they will not renew Britain's Trident nuclear weapons.