A leading biological scientist, and the prestigious Royal Society he works for, has said that his comments on creationism and the classroom have been misrepresented - and that it is opposed to creationism being taught as science.
Our bodies are made of the same stuff as the planet itself and every species, including humanity, came into being against powerful odds. What does this say to us about creation and our place in it?
Millions of dollars have been spent promoting Ben Stein’s creationist propaganda movie ‘Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed’ to conservative church groups, but that money would have been better spent on fact checkers, say its critics.
A Canadian church magazine has become the first North American sponsor of a travelling exhibit of the life and work of natural scientist Charles Darwin, which opened at the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto on 8 March and will come to Britain.
US churches defied the stereotype that American Christianity is a cipher for anti-science creationism last week, as they marked Evolution Weekend with sermons and seminars on how spiritual and scientific exploration go together.