Raising Local Housing Allowance to cover average market rents represents the best way to provide support, reduce long-term financial hardship and ultimately the risk of eviction for renters, says IPPR.
Problems include parcels left in inaccessible places, delivery drivers not leaving enough time for people to answer the door, and goods not being delivered on time or at all.
Disabled people and those who previously shielded are at least twice as likely to face redundancy as the rest of the working population, says Citizens Advice.
The letter highlights the devastating impact of the crisis on the lives of disabled people and calls on government to put disabled people at the heart of recovery planning.
Excluding shielding MPs from debate means disenfranchising 15.5 million voters, coincidentally the same number who voted for Brexit in the name of democracy, says Geraint Davies MP.
Tens of thousands of people, especially older and disabled workers and those living with ill health, may not be able to go back to work safely, because they still face a high risk from coronavirus.
The Government must ensure that social care is never again left exposed to a pandemic, says the President of the Association of Directors of Adult Social Care.