Two independent human rights experts have urged Turkey to maintain the historic Hagia Spohia as an intercultural space “reflecting the diversity and complexity of Turkey and its history”.
Green Christian will run a free event in Shrewsbury to provide people of faith with some resources to respond to the problems of climate change and biodiversity loss.
Preaching at the Beijing Gangwashi Church in China, World Council of Churches Asia president, the Rev Dr Sang Chang explored the question of where Christianity is headed in the 21st century.
Partly as a result of developments in biblical scholarship, many Christians now believe that it can be acceptable to enter a same-sex partnership. Savi Hensman examines differing interpretations of Christ's call: “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me.”
Some church leaders ignore personal experience and scientific evidence when discussing sexuality, unless these fit in with their existing ideas. They may think this shows their faithfulness to the Bible and so to God. But they are wrong.
Gulan are organising an event at the Royal Geographical Society (Thursday 31 October) that sheds light on the culture, history and day-to-day life of an overlooked minority, Christians in Kurdistan.